Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Dam or a Sprinkler

We have a home near to us with very deep backyard. In fact, it's deep enough that they have a pretty good-sized pond in it. Until recently, it has been full. But now, in the heat of the summer the water level has dropped and the top is covered with scum. It makes me think about how we handle to resources we have, including our finances. I read recently an interesting way to look at our giving.

When it comes to handling our Christian prosperity, we can either be a dam or a sprinkler. The dam stores up the water and hordes it. Eventually, it gets so full that some of the surplus overflows. The sprinkler on the other hand functions to redistribute. It is a conduit through which water flows.

Do you handle your finances like a dam or a sprinkler? The dam stores and eventually gives a surplus that trickles off the top. The sprinkler is a conduit that God uses to bless others. It's not wrong to keep what we earn, but the Bible encourages us to become a vessel that redistributes part of the blessing God has given us.

Become a person that people will bless others.... become a sprinkler!

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