Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Joy in Jesus

As I grew up in the Lutheran church I was taught to respect that place we gather for worship. Not to run, shout, play games, or anything else that might be construed as "fun". In the process, I was also taught that "church", "Jesus" and "fun" could not and should not be used in the same sentence. And yet, as an adult, as I read scripture, I can't help but "see" the twinkle in Jesus' eye when he tells a story. He probably had a little grin on his face when he told the servants to "fill the jars with water" knowing they were going to be blown away by the great wine he creating. I suspect that Jesus even got up and danced a bit!

So maybe it's okay smile at the Communion rail when we receive this great gift from Christ! Maybe it's appropriate to smile (and even laugh) in church. After all, Jesus probably is!

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Can you please tell me where you found this image?? My grandmother had this image as a magnet my entire childhood, and I would love to know the name or author of it.. Also I think we are called to laugh, smile, enjoy, rejoice and celebrate His love everywhere especially in church! God delights in our joy and happiness. He loves us, of course he wants us to have fun! Sure, it is good to teach our children to be respectful while in the church building or any other building for that matter, manners are important: but to seperate fun and Jesus as a rule is simply not biblical. We are made in His image, right? Doesn't that lend credit to our inate desire for fun?
